The Phantom Victory
At one time, Moscow was seen as the “evil enemy.” Back in the 1980s, the neoconservatives and the Islamic extremists were allies. Washington gave money and weapons to the Islamic Mujahideen. Most notable among these “freedom fighters” was Osama Bin Laden.
When the fighting was over, and the Soviet troops pulled out of Afghanistan, both neoconservatives and the radical Islamists found that their victory failed to transform the world the way they had hoped. So they both took on new enemies. Islamists used violence and terror to amass followers against the infidels while the neocons invented a new enemy, Bill Clinton.
Look us today. The neocons defeated their politcal enemy, liberalism, and found themselves fighting the idealistic monster they created in the mountains of Afghanistan. They would have us believe that under their leadership we’ll be safe. But they are actively creating this phantasy. And it’s a heck of a thriller. We are mesmerized by terrorist stories and entertained by “target America” plots. The necons know too well that the monster thrives by instilling fear in the citizens of the world. What a tragedy.