Seth Godin, as usual, nails it.
The object isn’t to be perfect. The goal isn’t to hold back until you’ve created something beyond reproach. I believe the opposite is true. Our birthright is to fail and to fail often, but to fail in search of something bigger than we can imagine. To do anything else is to waste it all.
Full Post: Is it worthy?
Mike Lopez says
I too believe that failure is the beginning of something better. If I fail now then that means I tried. I can only think of two types of person who won’t fail… the perfect and the one who doesn’t try. The former is unlikely to exist though.
David Niall Wilson says
We just discussed this over at – though we were on the subject of revision and editing. We were trying to figure out how you know when you’ve revised “enough” – and at what point you start messing a thing up by continuing to work on it…
Chris says
This is very similar to a quote by Robert Louis Stevenson: “OUr business in this world is not to succeed, bt to continue to fgail, in good spirits.