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Protected: Absolute Pitch University: Talent and Tenacity 09-18-06
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Protected: Absolute Pitch University: Assessment 08-21-06
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Protected: Absolute Pitch University: Unlock Your Full Potential 08-07-06
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Absolute Pitch University Self-Assessment
I commend you for making a commitment to move forward with your music at this time in your life. And, I'm delighted that you have chosen Absolute Pitch University to help you along your path -- Thanks! Please fill out this assessment form so that … [Read more...]
Welcome to Absolute Pitch University
Thank you for joining Absolute Pitch University! You made a wise decision. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Please make sure that you add "" to your "accepted list" if you use any type … [Read more...]
Music Hacks Teleclinic 07-06-06
Music hacks are slick solutions to common musical problems. Like using a hack to create a brand new melody instantly when you're up against a deadline. Or tricks to make your improvised solos stand out from note one and make the listener feel … [Read more...]
New Graham English Seminars Google Calendar
I now have a Google Calendar to keep you updated on all my future teleseminars. Subscribe to it here: … [Read more...]
Music Hacks TeleClinic
The term hacker has been used to refer to someone who breaks into systems or wreaks havoc with computers as their weapon. But among the tech crowd, the term hack refers to a "quick-and-dirty" solution to a problem, or a clever way to get something … [Read more...]
Protected: Absolute Pitch Accelerators Discussion
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