Baby I'm a Star by Prince. I took my new Blue Snowball out to the garage today to try it out. I scratched up some vocal tracks for about an hour. It's all first and second take stuff. It turned out pretty good but I need more time to get a feel for … [Read more...]
Music for 06-24-06
Baby I'm a Star by Prince. I f'ed up the form on the yesterday's version. Now I've got it right. I'll put the vocals and more synth down tomorrow. 140bpm in the key of D. Download: Music for 06-24-06 … [Read more...]
Music for 06-23-06c
Baby I'm a Star by Prince. So far I've got the loops, acoustic bass, piano, clav, and hammond. I've got most of the form together except for the ending and maybe the last couple shout choruses. 140bpm in the key of D. Download: Music for … [Read more...]
Music from 06-15-06
I captured this quickly. I'm experimenting with motion in the bass and piano at first. Then I try to bring some contrast into the chord progression. It's not quite right, but I try it a few more times anyway. I hear a quiet vocal melody teasing the … [Read more...]