Sorry. Download: I Think I Crashed The Economy … [Read more...]
When The Wall Falls Down
Where will you be when the wall falls down? Flesh is fragile, it bleeds when pricked The mind is stubborn like stone and brick It feels so solid, yet wonders why With all its strength, it still will die Beware the shadow in the cave It … [Read more...]
Walls 2-5-07
Musing on the ego as it relates to the state of the world today. Part of my FAWM project. Update: Completed version of When The Wall Falls Down. Download: Walls 2-5-07 … [Read more...]
Walls 1-12-07
I've worked on Walls before. I'm rewriting the lyrics to finish it. Completed version of When The Wall Falls Down. Download: Walls 1-12-07 … [Read more...]
Music from 06-21-05: Walls
Where will you be when the Wall falls down Where will you be when the Wall falls down Dead and buried, gagged and bound Bars of steel will lock me down They tried to tell me but I won't hear Abandon hope, there is none here Where will you … [Read more...]
Music for 02-23-06a
This is an 80bpm funk Bbm7 groove. Not much to listen to except 8 minutes of groove. I was setting up the mic to record on this one. Download: Music for 02-23-06a … [Read more...]