I guess Sting's question has been answered: "I hope the russians love their children too." … [Read more...]
Cool Is…
...about not participating in traditionally enjoyable experiences and creating the illusion that happiness can be found in alternative less enjoyable experiences. The degree to which people around you try to emulate your alternative lifestyle and … [Read more...]
Big Mind On Your Back
From Yoda Backpack: kewl. :) … [Read more...]
Totally Amazing Mutant Ears
From Totally amazing mutant ears: I just saw X-men 3 and decided that if I was a mutant, my name would be "Waveform". I would have the power of super-hearing and the ability to create any sound just by opening my mouth, e.g., the brown note. … [Read more...]
Will Scientology’s Power Center Help You Solve This?
From Five-dimensional Rubik's Cube puzzle: More... … [Read more...]
A bit of humor for the musically inclined…
Word and Music by John Stump. Arranged by Accident. :-) … [Read more...]
West Wing Eulogy: Bartlett For America
Today's a sad day for me. My favorite show of all time is ending. Trust me when I say that I'm not a TV addict. I didn't own a TV for many years. But The West Wing changed all that. Why I love The West Wing: Peak Performance. In my quest to be … [Read more...]
Pimp My KitKat
Link: PimpMySnack: homemade, gigantic versions of snack food More tricked-out snacks … [Read more...]
I’ll Have A $149 Sandwich And A Perfect Ass Please…
Link: World's most expensive sandwich: Link: (S+C) x (B+F)/T = V … [Read more...]
All The Brokeback Mountain Parodies In One Place
Brokeback to the Future is especially funny :) Can you believe people are protesting the selling of Brokeback DVDs at Wal-Mart? But they're not protesting the selling of footballs and they don't seem to mind shopping on Sundays. Oh, the hypocrisy. … [Read more...]