This is a warm up on a cool and dreary day. 0:56: Turn around into the blues in Bb. 75bpm. 1:57: Working on my hand interdependence here. 3:55: Charlie Parker's bebop classic Parker's Mood. I should memorize this solo better because it's … [Read more...]
Music from 06-16-06
WARNING: Just when I'm getting warmed up, the drums kill the track. bar 1: 108bpm Apple Loop (Live Edgy Drums). EP bringing in the Amin13 funk. I can tell I'm looking for my groove. 35: Looking for a motif. 43: Looks like I'm going to try to … [Read more...]
Music from 06-15-06
I captured this quickly. I'm experimenting with motion in the bass and piano at first. Then I try to bring some contrast into the chord progression. It's not quite right, but I try it a few more times anyway. I hear a quiet vocal melody teasing the … [Read more...]
Music from 05-13-06
Very slow. 64 bpm. I'm moving around A minor. Natural minor scale (Aeolian). I like the vibe. Very dark but hopeful. Dualistic. Kinda sounds drunk. 0:42: I move to the major. It still has that dark flavor. 1:00: Sounding more country. Like … [Read more...]
Music from 04-09-06
I'm playing with C and F. Not finding anything on that first try for contrast. bar 25: Second take. 32: Here comes a pattern of mine. Going from C/E to F then to B flat and walking down to the V (Gsus) from there. 45: Third take. I stretch … [Read more...]
Music for 02-24-06
I tightened up the song I wrote yesterday and recorded this piano track. I'm going to commit to a melody and start putting some lyrics to the form. [tag]BbMAJ7[/tag] 95bpm. Download: Music for 02-24-06 … [Read more...]
Music for 02-23-06e
This final thing for the day is an F7 shuffle on the hammond organ. Wanna hear a badas5 solo? Listen to this, biatch! Wish I had the pedals. Damn I love Jimmy Smith. Download: Music for 02-23-06e … [Read more...]
Music for 02-23-06c
This is the work in progress of the next song. No need to listen to this unless you want to hear me composing. Around 12:00 I start to find what I'm looking for. Download: Music for 02-23-06c … [Read more...]
Music for 02-23-06b
A 90bpm funk Gmin7 groove (Dorian). No vocals in this but it's got a nasty groove played by a moth3rfuck3r. Maybe it's the K2600 to my left. :cool: Download: Music for 02-23-06b … [Read more...]
Music for 02-23-06a
This is an 80bpm funk Bbm7 groove. Not much to listen to except 8 minutes of groove. I was setting up the mic to record on this one. Download: Music for 02-23-06a … [Read more...]