I got really tired of updating my online status on Skype and iChat every time I had to step away from my computer. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I could update all my instant message apps at once with a few keystrokes using … [Read more...]
GTD: What Are You Doing Right Now Redux
My previous attempt at a time-tracking script worked well for a while. But I wanted something that was self-contained so I could share it with my friends and coworkers. I also wanted to cut down on key strokes. Since my internet connection has … [Read more...]
GTD: Automator Wants To Know What You Are Doing Right Now
I'm into systems. I love figuring out how to get from point A to point B and then optimizing the process as efficiently as possible. Better yet, I love being able to turn a system on and not have to think about it again. This is one of those … [Read more...]
iQuickTwitter – My Quicksilver + Twitter + iChat + Growl Hack
When I read that you could use Quicksilver with Twitter, I felt as excited as Jack Bauer in an interrogation room full of terror suspects. It all started with Twitter Fan Wiki. And then I lost myself in hours of troubleshooting as I tried to force … [Read more...]
I’m Practically Speechless Over The iPhone
The future is here. I've never been so excited over a piece of technology other than maybe my Kurzweil K2600. Hell, I practically started this blog talking about the iPhone. It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. … [Read more...]