A practice schedule is an important part of your musical development. My sax teacher, Nathan Davis, used to tell me, "Go without practicing one day, and you know. Go without practicing two days, your friends will know. Go without three days, and … [Read more...]
Lifehack.org Link Lust
An article I wrote using waveforms as a metaphor for manifesting intentions just got featured on one of my all-time favorite blogs, Lifehack.org! Thanks Chris! … [Read more...]
Your Goals As Waveform
An audio waveform makes a really cool metaphor for your pursuit of all your goals. A wave is a disturbance that propagates through space, often transferring energy. That's a fascinating sentence. A wave is a disturbance. It is an interruption … [Read more...]
A Nobel Winner Can Help You Keep Your Resolutions
Cool article on the psychology of setting goals. The problem, he suggested, is that pretty much everybody suffers from a split personality. One self desperately wants to lose weight or quit smoking or run two miles a day or get up early to work. The … [Read more...]