Announce yourself. Tell the world who you are.
My name is Graham English and I’ll be one of the moderators here at Samurai Songwriting. I’ll be striving to live up to the Samurai Songwriter’s Code just like you.
About the Samurai Songwriting Code
One of the major principles to being a Samurai Songwriter is respect. Respect for yourself and others. On this blog we all will demonstrate this principle at all times. Keep your comments courteous, constructive, and compassionate. And show some courage. Speak your truth honestly and from the heart.
Tell us who you are. What are your songwriting strengths and weaknesses? Who are your songwriting Masters? Share your musical vision and post links to your published songs.
Show us the Way of the Samurai Songwriter.
shawn says
hey everyone, just saying hi….
Graham English says
Welcome Shawn! 🙂
jake says
hi verybody hows it goin just thought i would “anounce myself” i would also like to take this time to thank graham for the help u have given me through your song writting e-mails.
Graham English says
Hi Jake. And you’re very welcome. Glad I can be of service. 🙂
If anyone has a site where we can hear your music, please post a link in your comments. Let’s cheer each other on!
ric bonnell says
greetings y’all…
i’m a long time musician and songwriter…always on the lookout for new ideas, networking musicians/songsters, job opportunity or that perfect collab partner or industry lead. my song writing style is very eccentric and not bound to one genre. not sure whether that is good or bad, but that’s the way it is. not ssure the best way to link songs, but i’ll long hand them and i guess you could cut and paste if they are not clickable:
Into You
Control Freak
that’s a couple…to get to know me! 🙂
shawn says
how do you get to the downloads ? everytime i click on them it takes me to the sign in page…even if i just signed in….
Graham English says
Hi Shawn. Downloads are coming soon. We’re still in Beta so watch your email for the official launch announcement.