Binaural diplacusis or interaural pitch difference is the different perception of a single auditory stimulus by the two ears; the difference may be in tone (disharmonic d.) or in timing (echo d.). ToneTester tests your ears for differences in how … [Read more...]
Protected: Pitch Triggers: Absolute Pitch Power Students Only
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Ear Training With Your Cell Phone Ringtone
Ear Training Hack #4. Use your cell phone ringtone as a pitch trigger. These days everyone has custom ringtones on their cell phones. My current ringtone is All Blues by Miles Davis. Well, one of the fastest ways to prove to yourself that you can … [Read more...]
Ear Training FAQ and EarTrainingHacks
I've reserved a special tag for all ear training frequently asked questions. Some of them have to do with Absolute Pitch Power and some of them deal with ear training in general. So if you have any questions, check this [tag]FAQ[/tag] tag first. If … [Read more...]
Ear Training Hack #3
From: 18 Tricks to Teach Your Body: 2. Experience supersonic hearing! If you're stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. It's better than your left at following the rapid rhythms of speech, according to … [Read more...]
Ear Training Hacks 1-2
Ear Training Hack #1. To get an accurate account of absolute pitch, it is important to measure the results of a pitch recognition test. Accuracy is necessary to demonstrate absolute pitch. But before you demonstrate absolute pitch, relative … [Read more...]
From The Desk Of Graham English (Fair warning: I will be making an offer) Howdy... Before you sink your teeth into the latest ear training hack, I want to let you in on something humiliating for me. Last year I gave my first--and so far, … [Read more...]
New MusicHacks Series
I got excited about my previous creativity hacks and busted out a number of ideas for a hacks series. So stay tuned for songwriting hacks and ear training hacks and stay connected to my MusicHacks bookmarks. Because you're going to help … [Read more...]
Do You Consider That Each Note Has A Different Character?
Ross: Hi, do you consider that each note has a different character? If so, have you found that the same qualities of the same notes are heard by different people (eg. F# = bright, Eb = dull)? If not, what do you see as the point of learning AP … [Read more...]
What’s The Most Powerful Technique For Perfect Pitch?
Jim: Ok, I just want to know what you think the most powerful technique for perfect pitch is. I usually just play an A chord and then randomly choose a note to figure out. It works pretty good but Im sure you've got a better trick. Graham: Jim, … [Read more...]