This exercise builds your resources and congruence. Start by standing in a place where you can take 5 steps backwards. Think of a situation in which your behavior is not representative of who you really are, or who you would like to be, and you … [Read more...]
Filtering Experience Through Neuro-Logical Levels
How to make intimate connections with yourself and others. Neuro-Logical Levels are considered to be a Meta-Program in NLP. Specifically, these neuro-logical levels are categories of experience. In integral terms, I would consider them to be a … [Read more...]
How Do You Control Your Beliefs So They Don’t Control You?
Is it possible to restructure, unlearn or change old beliefs that may be limiting us and imprint new ones that can expand our potential beyond what we currently imagine? If so, how do we do it? And what exactly is a belief? The dictionary defines a … [Read more...]
How To Become A Mind Control Expert
Your most precious resource is your mind. Your ability to think, plan, decide, and take action is the most powerful force for good in your life. Make a commitment to yourself to take complete responsibility for your mind. Exercise MIND … [Read more...]
Experiencing Stage Fright?
The essence of this NLP technique is to show you the crucial differences in your thinking that give your experiences meaning. Think of something that you believe or know to be true. For example, a fact like you have brown eyes or blonde hair or … [Read more...]
Ear Training Hacks 1-2
Ear Training Hack #1. To get an accurate account of absolute pitch, it is important to measure the results of a pitch recognition test. Accuracy is necessary to demonstrate absolute pitch. But before you demonstrate absolute pitch, relative … [Read more...]