Now this is an awesome [tag]blogging[/tag] [tag]hack[/tag]. It's not that flexible. I can't choose categories or add excerpts but the novelty of it is just plain cool. Plus, I tend to be more of an article writer and not so much of an off-the-cuff … [Read more...]
IM Status: Update Your Skype, iChat, Or Adium Status With Quicksilver
I got really tired of updating my online status on Skype and iChat every time I had to step away from my computer. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I could update all my instant message apps at once with a few keystrokes using … [Read more...]
iQuickTwitter – My Quicksilver + Twitter + iChat + Growl Hack
When I read that you could use Quicksilver with Twitter, I felt as excited as Jack Bauer in an interrogation room full of terror suspects. It all started with Twitter Fan Wiki. And then I lost myself in hours of troubleshooting as I tried to force … [Read more...]