Topics covered: The pleasure of finding things out, Richard Feynman, Dr. Kurt Fischer, dynamic skill theory, developmental levels, adult learning, ear training, and much more... Download: Absolute Pitch Ear Training Podcast 08-20-07 … [Read more...]
Absolute Pitch Ear Training Podcast 04-27-07
Topics covered: Learning absolute pitch, your motives, absolute pitch disinformation, motivation to learn absolute pitch, and more. Download: Absolute Pitch Ear Training Podcast 04-27-07 … [Read more...]
Absolute Pitch Ear Training Podcast 04-09-07
Topics covered: Singing what you hear, the body/mind connection in music, exercises to improve your musicianship, and more. Download: Absolute Pitch Ear Training Podcast 04-09-07 … [Read more...]
Destroying The Myth That Music Is Annoying If You Have Absolute Pitch
There's a perpetually propagated myth that if you have absolute pitch, then if you listen to music that is out of tune, you have a bad experience. If there is any truth to this myth, it's definitely not an absolute. Some people may be disturbed by … [Read more...]
iTheory: Music Theory And Ear Training With Your iPod
iTheory is a free ear training tool for your iPod. It took me a couple of tries to get it installed correctly, but it works great. The interface isn't as clean as I would like. You have to scroll past hundreds of notes before you get to the iTheory … [Read more...]
Top Ear Training Articles for 2006
I hope your ear improved in 2006. I know mine did. Just in case you haven't been reading my blog all year, here's my favorite ear training articles for 2006. Is Your Ear Suspect? Why Singing What You Hear Is Important To Your Ear … [Read more...]
Why Singing What You Hear Is Important To Your Ear Training
Singing what you hear is an important part of improving your perception. Let's look at it from a body/mind perspective. Recognizing that C and F is a perfect fourth is a cognitive exercise. You have to think about it. Maybe only for a split-second, … [Read more...]
Naked Pitch
This is what happened to me today. I was listening to a piece of music and the first chord was the same as another song I've listened to many times. The voicing, the instrument, everything was the same. I had never made that connection before. To be … [Read more...]
Why Is Absolute Pitch More Refined Than Relative Pitch?
Simply put, absolute pitch is more subtle and accurate. With relative pitch, there are twelve major chords. With absolute pitch, there is only one C major chord. The distinctions you can make with absolute pitch are finer and smaller. And each note … [Read more...]
How To Hear Interval Quality Distinctions
If you can do a good job identifying your basic diatonic intervals (unison, major 2nd, major 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th, major 6th, major 7th, perfect octave), the next logical step is to move on to hearing the distinctions between the different … [Read more...]