Image streaming is the exact technique used by geniuses such as Einstein, Edison and Tesla. Not only will image streaming enhance your creativity, it will actually increase your IQ! Image streaming is your doorway to the subconscious mind. This … [Read more...]
Trance – It’s All About Feeling High!
The word "trance" conjurs up all sorts of images. Snake charmers, zombies, spaced out dreamers. But trance is really a naturally occuring state. We go in and out of trance many times throughout the day. But trance is not our "normal" state of mind. … [Read more...]
Hearing and Consciousness
From Mind Hacks: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain Hearing is the first sense we develop in the womb. The regions of the brain that deal with hearing are the first to finish the developmental process called myelination, in which the connecting … [Read more...]
Learn How Mind Programming Works
Think of your brain wave in an altered state of consciousness as a piece of chewing gum stretched out. It gets thin and easily breaks apart if hit with new programming. When your brain reorganizes itself, it integrates the new information. In other … [Read more...]
The Golden Mean in Harmony Part 2: Tritones: The Devil’s interval
Tritones: The Devil's musical interval: If you look at the relative stability of each scale degree in Western harmony you'll see that the 4th and 7th are the most instable. In order of stability to instability it looks like this: 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4, … [Read more...]
Show Me The Mystery
From Geekonomics via What if everything in life were free? You'd think we'd be happier. But game designers know better: We'd be bored. It's interesting that virtual worlds also demonstrate absolute/relative truth. To me, … [Read more...]