Enter: Imogen Heap. Some people may recognize Imogen as the beautiful vocalist of Frou Frou. Others may be familiar with her song “Hide & Seek” or the song she wrote for The Chronicles of Narnia, “Can’t Take it … [Read more...]
Hope Takes The Lead
These are defining moments for America. We hardly seem very United these days. What's been interesting for me is to see how these two very different campaigns choose to deliver their messages in the closing hours. Marketers know that emotions make … [Read more...]
Tempered Enthusiasm For 1,000 True Fans
Kevin Kelly is back with some feedback on his article, 1,000 True Fans, by musician Robert Rich. So let's look a bit at the finances. If I can make about $5-$10 per download or directly sold CD, and I sell 1000, I clear a maximum of $10,000 for … [Read more...]
1,000 True Fans And The Long Tail
Kevin Kelly writes that the long tail is a blessing for aggregators (Amazon, Netflix) and consumers. But not so for creators. The solution is to find 1,000 True Fans. A creator, such as an artist, musician, photographer, craftsperson, performer, … [Read more...]
The Top 10 Music Social Networks
I just discovered a new music marketing blog (hat tip to Gerd Leonhard). The post that caught my immediate attention was The Top 10 Music Social Networks. Glad to see my favorite social music site, Last.fm, is on the list. … [Read more...]
Seth Godin Draws Some Lessons From The Sinking Music Industry
Seth Godin dishes 15 tips to musicians on the cusp between old and new media. The new thing is never as good as the old thing, at least right now Past performance is no guarantee of future success Copy protection in a digital age is a pipe … [Read more...]
30-Day Challenge To Internet Profits – Without Spending A Dime!
Ed Dale is doing his third 30-day challenge again. The challenge has a modest goal: to earn $10 dollars on the internet with absolutely no out-of-pocket expenses. The entire program is free to join. I'm excited to see what Ed and his team have in … [Read more...]
What’s New In Landing Pages?
I just found out about some new free software for increasing conversion on landing pages. It's very interesting and I've been coming up with all kinds of ways to use it myself. Also, they have a great quiz that you can take to analyze your … [Read more...]
How To Become An Artist 2.0
Merlin Mann just pointed to a New York Times Magazine article about Jonathan Coulton and The Hold Steady. These artists are thriving in the post-CD music world through intimate virtual relationships with their fans. Music promotion through blogs … [Read more...]
Hypnotic Influence Appendix A: Hypnotic Language Patterns
First of all, hypnotic language, I believe, has lost much of its power due to saturation in marketing and media. While many of the principles still apply, the actual language needs to evolve. The best case I have heard in support of this comes from … [Read more...]